Foreword: Women on Top....of the World

The Return of the Alpha Female

By the year 2020, women will rule the world once more.  
And that is as it should be.

By saying that, I don't mean that women will have vanquished men, in the way that men vanquished women so many thousands of years ago.  What I mean is that at long last, women and men will rule the world side-by-side, leading with the optimal balance of feminine and masculine leadership characteristics.

The world depends on the return of the Alpha Female, to take her rightful place beside the Alpha Male and to lead this world 
to peace. 

“The reemergence of women will bring about the healing of the world." Marianne Williamson

1.   Women, especially Alpha Females, are innately gifted leaders. They have proven this throughout the history of mankind. Women are more likely to be oriented towards inter-personal and inter-governmental harmony; they are likely to support cultures which serve the human heart and soul, which support the arts and literature, the self-expression of the human being; they lead discussions which promote healthy resolution of differences; they are dedicated to what we now call ‘emotional intelligence’ and are able to balance this with the harder edged, testosterone-driven intellectual intelligence and ‘street smarts’. They bring the vision of compassion and of peace.

2.   For hundreds of thousands of years, women have managed nations, corporations, book collection drives, battered women’s shelters, universities, restaurants, cafes…..  

3.   But women haven’t always been supported in these endeavors by men. In fact, women haven’t always been supported by other women. 
In fact, there has been a distinctly patriarchal dominance of leadership for the last several thousand years. Some women have tolerated this status; some have supported it; some have fought bitterly against it; some have strategically joined together, pooled their thoughts and monies and energies and undermined it, to the point that the Women’s Rights movement has made substantive progress to balance human rights.

4.   Women have chosen to rectify this imbalance in many ways; those innately feminine, as well as basically male tendencies. Why is it that we must sometimes WREST the power and voting and governing privileges from men and from unbelieving women?

5.   We, as mankind, have made great strides in many corners of the world, to right this wrong; to balance this power; to team powerful Alpha Males with equally powerful Alpha Females, integrating the gender capabilities to man’s greatest good.

6.  And we have a ways to go.

7.  Do you feel your Alpha Female characteristics urging you to take on a new challenge....a leadership position....a new stretch your life, your beliefs, your outlook?
Do you believe that you would benefit from enhancing your life by developing your Alpha Female characteristics? 

Then, read on!


    Frankly, women are known to be far better at management than men--management of selves, management of relational systems, management of businesses, events, nations...all the sites where humans interact with one another.  And it's a perfectly natural state of affairs.  Women are more committed to relationships between and among human beings, to harmony, to positive outcomes, to win-win situations.  By focusing on the means to the end, not solely the outcome, women are able to lead in such a way that the means are productive and the ends are maximized. 

     Of course, I must qualify this by saying that the women that I am describing have ALL of the characteristics of the Alpha Female. These leaders will be grounded in integrity, passion and dedication, compassion and acceptance. I am not describing the kind of woman who has not yet found her core, and is therefore more likely to be adversarial or competitive or territorial with other women. I am not describing the “beta” to “omega” female, who expend time and energy on inconsequential goals, rather than making a unique and lasting difference in the world.  Alpha Females might be described as creative, eccentric, independent, acting as if they are leaders, sometimes impatient with the status quo, "tradition busters," possessing a high degree of integrity and highly intuitive.

     So then, what must we do to make ready for this new regime? We must reclaim our Alpha Female power, reintroduce respect for and development of feminine characteristics (in both women and men) and re-balance the world. And we must teach our children, boys and girls, young women and young men, how to work together in perfect balance. 

     Only when we have again
accessed this balance will we have the ability to heal the world.

   Have we got 15 years to do this? Not really! This balance of power is long overdue.

How did we get here?
How did we get to where we
desperately need....
The Return of the Alpha Female?


"Yes, I am fond of history."
"I wish I were too. I read it a little as a duty, but it tells me nothing that does not either vex or weary me.  The quarrels of popes and kings, with wars or pestilences, in every page; the men all so good for nothing, and hardly any women at all -- it is very tiresome:"
   Catherine Morland, in Northhangar Abbey (1803) by Jane Austen

"I find a woman's point of view much grander and finer than a man's."   Katharine Hepburn


Women on Top....of the World
The Return of the Alpha Female 

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Melissa L. Thornton, MBA, LMFT
Marriage and Family Therapist
Personal and Professional Coach

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